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Two SHS Students Named to All-National Ensembles

Two Syosset High School seniors were invited to take part in the 2021 National Association for Music Education (NAfME) All-National Honor Ensembles.  The NAfME All-National Honor Ensembles (ANHE) represent the top performing high school musicians in the United States. 

Stephanie Massimo was selected to perform Trombone 2 with the All-National Honors Concert Band Ensemble and Hunter Cohen, who sings Tenor, was selected as an alternate for the All-National Honors Mixed Choir Ensemble. Held on January 22-24, 2022, the ANHE virtual event included several rehearsals with six of the most prominent conductors in the United States and workshops with renowned clinicians. Each ensemble created a final, recorded performance that will be premiered online during the 37th NAfME Music In Our Schools Month® in March 2022.

The ANHE performers represent collaboration and creativity in its highest musical form. During the 2020-2021 school year, talented music students across the United States and overseas in military-base schools practiced diligently to gain a chair or part in their local, district and state music honor ensembles. Of those most elite high school musicians, 533 were considered to be the “best of the best” and were selected for the NAfME festival by audition. All-National Honor Ensembles consist of a concert band, symphony orchestra, mixed choir, jazz ensemble, guitar ensemble and modern band.