Food Services
- Syosset Central School Dist
- Overview
Food Services
Syosset Central School District participates in the National Child Nutrition Program. Whitsons is the food service provider for Syosset. Our goal is to serve nutritious, well-balanced meals that appeal to students and the school community that meet the National School Lunch and Breakfast Program requirements.
PAYMENTSTo reduce the time on service lines, we encourage parents to make online payments by establishing an account on MySchoolBucks. In addition to paying online for meals, your MySchoolBucks account also makes it easy to check your student’s balance, set up low balance alerts, and view cafeteria purchases from anywhere.
To establish the account, you need your child’s student ID number, which can be found on the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. If you do not have a Parent Portal account, please email There is a fee of $3.25 per online transaction to cover the use of MySchoolBucks. For each $50.00 online deposit, ONE FREE MEAL will be put on your child’s account. Payments to your student’s account may also be made by cash or check (made payable to Syosset Lunch Program) at the cafeteria registers.
The District utilizes a computerized POS (Point of Sale) system that flags students with allergies. Upon entry of the student’s code into the system, allergen information, if applicable, will pop up on-screen to alert the food service worker.
Please note that the food-service industry continues to experience sporadic supply-chain disruptions related to labor shortages and logistical issues. Whitsons continues to work proactively to address these challenges, though menu substitutions may be necessary at times.
Should you have any questions or concerns regarding food services please reach out to Karen Ball, Whitsons Food Service Director for Syosset at 516.364.5849 or email foodservice@syossetschools.orgParent Information Letter - English
Parent Information Letter - Chinese
Parent Information Letter - Japanese
Parent Information Letter - Korean
Parent Information Letter - Spanish