• Online Learning FAQ for Students

    Can I print from my Chromebook?

    No. However, if you have a wireless printer at home, you can print from your phone! Or, you can log into your ClassLink page from a home device and print.

    How do I access Infinite Campus Student Portal Accounts for Grades 6-12?

    Click here to learn how to access your account.


    How do I access Microsoft Outlook Email Accounts for Grades 6-12?

    Log into ClassLink and use the Syosset Webmail App or go to: https://portal.office.com

     am using my personal device and I don’t know how to sign into ClassLink.

    Click here to access ClassLink

    Sign in with your school Google Account

    I forgot my password.

    Contact the Library Media Specialist in your school:

    Baylis: Jessica Febraro, jfebraro@syossetschools.org

    Berry Hill: Lynn Ortlieb, lortlieb@syossetschools.org

    Robbins Lane: Teresa Sullivan, tsullivan@syossetschools.org

    South Grove: Kari Horowitz, khorowitz@syossetschools.org

    Village: Brandi Jerabek, bjerabek@syossetschools.org

    Walt Whitman: Megan Falck, mfalck@syossetschools.org

    Willits: Alexander Ras, aras@syossetschools.org

    H.B. Thompson: Denise Bento, dbento@syossetschools.org

    South Woods: Matthew Maus, mmaus@syossetschools.org

    Syosset High SchoolKristina Holzweiss, kholzweiss@syossetschools.org
    Trish Sergi, tsergi@syossetschools.org, Sarah Wasser, swasser@syossetschools.org


    I'm having trouble logging into ST Math from home.

    For students who use ClassLink to access ST Math, there is no difference in how to access the program from school and from home.

    To log into ST Math through ClassLink on a computer, students go to the login portal on the school/district site or to the student login at https://launchpad.classlink.com/syossetschools. After entering login information, they should select the ST Math JiJi icon and begin playing.

    On an iPad, the ST Math app must be downloaded but closed prior to accessing through the link in Safari. Having the app closed is most important, as it will prompt the login to go to the ST Math picture password if open. To ensure the app is closed, double tap on the home button to see that the app does not show. If it does, swipe it up to close. After making sure the app is closed, students would log in. If asked for a picture password, the app is most likely open, so close out of everything, close the app by swiping it up, and then access again through ClassLink.

    On an Android tablet, the ST Math app must be downloaded but closed prior to accessing either through the link in Chrome. The same issues with having the app open (above) can be experienced on an Android tablet, so ensure that the app is closed prior to logging in.