Students performing on stage
  • The courses and performance opportunities offered by the Theatre Arts Program are designed to meet the needs, interests, and talents of senior high school students.  They present opportunities to study Theatre Arts from a technical aspect, and to develop self-expression and appreciation through participation in the various theatrical productions.

    To earn a Regents diploma with advanced designation using a five-unit Theatre Arts sequence, the student must complete at least one credit in a performance based class such as acting, musical theatre or theatre dance.  The remaining units may be earned in any course in the Theatre Arts Program. Graduation honors must include advanced dance or college theatre and production as well as fulfillment of normal honors criteria.

    A significant requirement of the various performance-based classes is that students participate in some capacity with the theatrical productions offered by the program each semester.

    Students who plan to specialize in theatre arts or theatre arts education as a career should complete the five-unit sequence but also participate extensively in the theatrical productions.  In addition, it is highly recommended for these students to enroll in the College Theater and Production course.

    * All performance-based courses fulfill the one unit requirement in the arts for high school graduation.

    Foundations of Theatre
    Theatre Performance 1
    Theatre Performance 2
    College Theatre and Production
    Dance 1
    Dance 2
    Dance 3
    Dance 4

    Theater Technology - Construction
    Theater Technology - Design