- Syosset Central School Dist
- Science
To contact the Science Department, please call (516) 364-5711.
The Science Department offers courses to meet the needs of students at all levels. In every course, students are encouraged to think for themselves and apply scientific methods to the solution of problems. Learning is accomplished through the use of a wide variety of laboratory and classroom experiences. The courses offered in the department are designed to provide students with an appreciation for Science in the real world.
For all courses culminating in a Regents examination, satisfactory laboratory reports for 1200 minutes of laboratory experience is required (1) for entrance into the Regents examination, (2) to pass the course, and/or (3) to retake the course in summer school. In addition, laboratory reports must be completed and submitted within the time period determined by the subject teacher but in no case more than 15 school days after the completion of the laboratory work. A minimum of 70% of the labs must be completed each marking period to receive a passing grade for the marking period.
*Advanced Research in the sciences is available through the Advanced Research Program.
Click here for the NYS P-12 Science Learning Standards
Click here for the Next Generation Science Standards Parent GuideClick here for the PTSA Curriculum Presentation on Science, Fall 2020
SHS Science Research Symposium - Spring, 2021
AP & Advanced Research Summer Assignments 2021
Animal Dissection Policy
The Board of Education of the Syosset CSD acknowledges the importance of the study of animals as part of the curriculum in certain life sciences courses. Practical experience with structure and function in animals is an essential component of these studies. The primary goals for the instructional process involving animals are to achieve an understanding of the life processes, to demonstrate biological principles, and to teach the proper care and handling of animals. Instructional activities involving the investigation and/or dissection of animals will be adequately supervised and conducted with respect for life and a commitment to the safety of the students performing the investigations and dissections.
The Board further recognizes that some students may have a moral or religious objection to the performance or witnessing of the dissection of an animal. Students shall have the right to opt-out of performance or witnessing of dissection activities, provided that the student performs an alternative project that is approved by the student’s teacher. The student’s moral or religious objection must be substantiated in writing by the student’s parent or guardian. Students who perform alternative approved projects and do not perform or witness the dissection of animals shall not be penalized.
At the commencement of the school year, parents and teachers will be advised of this policy through dissemination in the high school curriculum manual. Teachers of courses that include animal dissection shall provide additional notice to the students in those classes of their opt-out rights and responsibilities under the law and this policy. Such notice shall also be available upon request in the school office.