- Syosset Central School Dist
- Driver Education
Driver Education is given before and after school only and may require certain students to meet on Saturday mornings for driving practice in driver-training cars. Enrollment in this course may curtail a student's participation in other after-school activities. This should be considered carefully since attendance at all Driver Education classes is extremely important for compliance with the minimum requirements mandated by the State Education and Motor Vehicle Departments.
Drive with parents (you must still take the classes)
Mornings Only
Before school, 6:30 to 7:30 a.m., Monday through Friday
(Class 2 days, Drive 2/3 days)
Afternoons Only
2:30 to 3:30 p.m., three days a week
(Class 2 days – Mon/Tues or Wed/ Thurs, Drive 1 day)
1. Class AM/ Drive PM
Class 2 days – Mon/ Tues or Wed/Thurs – 6:30 a.m. start time
Drive 1 day – 2:30 p.m. start time
2. Class AM/ Drive Saturday AM
Class 2 days – Mon/Tues or Wed/ Thurs – 6:30 a.m. start time
Drive Saturday morning – 7:00 a.m. OR 9:00 a.m. start time
3. Class PM/ Drive Saturday AM
Class 2 days – Mon/ Tues or Wed/ Thurs – 2:30 p.m. start time
Drive Saturday morning – 7:00 a.m. OR 9:00 a.m. start timeREGISTRATION
Registration begins (outside of room B-5) on Monday January 3 and ends on Thursday January 13, 2022. YOU MUST RE-REGISTER EVEN IF YOU HAVE DONE SO IN THE PAST. Registrations will be processed in birthday order.
There is no online registration this year. Please pick up a Registration Form in front of Room B-5 during the registration period. Print all information on the Registration Form clearly and accurately. Read all direction and think carefully before making your choice.
Make sure you check which days and times you absolutely CANNOT take Drivers Ed. If you place too many restrictions, there is a chance you might not get placed in the course at all. The more choices you have, the better.
Preference for assignments and time requests for Driver Education are based on the following: Older seniors first, younger seniors, older juniors, then younger juniors. Sophomores are not permitted to register for Drivers Ed.
There will be no parent meeting. A video will be made available if you are accepted into the program.
You can only miss four (4) hours of class and four (4) hours of road. Every hour MUST be made up! After four hours missed, you may be dropped from the program. If you have too much going on, Drivers Ed. might NOT be a good fit. Please adjust your personal schedule accordingly.** COVID-19 Restrictions will be announced accordingly before the program begins. **
DATES TO REMEMBERMonday, January 18: The names of all students selected for the Spring 2022 session will be posted across from room B-5. Look for your name, time, and date of first class.
Week of January 31: Classes begin!
Week of February 7: Road groups begin!
If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Faber.