• High school start time investigation


    The Syosset Central School District has been exploring the implications of a later high school start time based on research suggesting older adolescents’ academic success and social-emotional well-being may benefit from more sleep. The information presented below has been prepared by the District to update the community on its work to date on this topic.

    When considering the potential of a shift in the high school start time, it is important to note that anything that takes place after school will be impacted, and it is very possible that the start times of the elementary and middle schools would need to shift as a result. There are essentially three options for the District and community to evaluate:

    • Maintain the status quo - no change to school start times.
    • Implement a later high school start time, resulting in disruption to other schools’ schedules and compromise related to after school activities.
    • Implement a later high school start time without disrupting other schools’ schedules but with considerable cost for added busing, and with compromise related to after school activities.


  • What are some of the logistical factors to consider related to a later high school start time?

  • If the high school starts and ends later in the day, would it still be possible for teams to compete in athletic events?

  • If the high school starts and ends later in the day, would extra-curricular clubs and activities be eliminated?

  • If the District purchased its own buses, could a later start time be implemented without impacting other schools?

  • Have other local districts been able to implement a later high school start time without major disruption?

  • What research has been done by the District on implementing a later high school start time? Where can I find the information?

  • What are some credible sources of medical research that indicate adolescents are not getting enough sleep, and the resulting impact of insufficient sleep on their well-being?