- Syosset Central School Dist
- Student Registration
- Residency Re-verification
Residency Re-verification Process
The Board of Education has approved and established a Residency Re-verification Policy that requires parents and guardians of students 5th and 8th grades to re-verify their residency with the School District. This policy was adopted to ensure that students attending the Syosset Central School District are currently residing within the District borders. If you are a parent or guardian of a student in grade 5, or grade 8 during the 2024-2025 school year, you are required to complete the Residency Re-verification Process.
All leaseholders must re-verify residency annually or upon lease expiration.
Any questions regarding your Parent Portal login can be answered by the main office of your student’s school or by the District Information Technology Office. Please contact the Registrar’s Office at (516) 364-5669 with any questions or concerns related to the reverification process. If you are planning to move in or out of district, or planning to enroll a child in private school, Please contact the Registrar’s Office at (516)-364-5669 or registrationstaff@syossetschools.org.
Steps for Completing the Residency Re-verification Process:
1. Log into your Parent Portal account. Please click here to access the Parent Portal.
2. Choose MORE in the lower-left navigation menu and then RESIDENCY VERIFICATION.
3. Choose start on the screen below.
4. Your student's information will appear in the following screen.5. Select the language you want to use to complete the application (English, Chinese, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, Urdu).
6. Type your name in the box and use your mouse (or your finger for touch-screens) to sign on the line. Then click the Submit button. Please note: This screen will only appear one time - when you start an application. If you return to a saved application, you will not have to sign here again.
7. Scroll through the instructions and click Begin (or Return to) Application.
8. Use the Next button to proceed through the screens. When you reach the bottom, use the Save/Continue button to go to the next section.
9. When you reach the end of the application, remember to:
- Write down your Application Number.
- Submit your application.
- Print or save a PDF copy of your application.