- Syosset Central School Dist
- Overview
Pupil Personnel Services
Erin Goldthwaite, Assistant Superintendent for Pupil Personnel Services
(516) 364-5616Mary-Lou Sapienza, Director of Pupil Personnel Services
(516) 364-5695Stephanie Purcell, Administrator for CPSE and Elementary Special Education
CSE/UPK: (516) 364-5649
CPSE: (516) 364-5620
Please click on the links below for helpful parent resources:
SEPTA Presentation and Handouts - Executive Function
SEPTA Presentation and Handouts - Executive Function.pdf 7.05 MB (Last Modified on October 27, 2023) -
SEPTA Presentation - Self-Advocacy & Self-Determination
SelfAdvocacy and SelfDetermination SEPTA Presentation 102022.pdf 647.77 KB (Last Modified on February 2, 2023)