• Salary Increment Form

    In order to receive credit for educational advancement from one salary schedule to a higher salary schedule, prior approval must be completed on My Learning Plan. If courses taken are for completion of a degree program, prior approval is needed only for the program and not for each course. If the courses are not related to a degree program, all individual courses will need prior approval from Human Resources. Prior approval also applies to all undergraduate courses.

    In the event that a teacher fails to apply for prior approval for any course, the teacher may submit these credits for approval at any subsequent time. The District will only accept these credits if they meet the standards for prior approval in effect at the time the credits are submitted. The District reserves the right to deny approval for courses that fail to meet the current standards for prior approval even if these courses would have been approved if submitted before the course was completed. Once approved, advanced degree credits may be used solely for the purpose of future advancement on the salary schedule, and the District will have no obligation to pay for any money lost due to a teacher’s failure to submit the credit(s) for prior approval in a timely fashion.

    Salary advancement from one column of a salary schedule to the next may only take place at regularly scheduled intervals. Effective September 1, 2010, horizontal movement on the schedule shall be limited to one step per fiscal year.

    When courses have been successfully completed, or a degree earned for advancement, placement on the higher schedule will take place as follows:

    On September 1, after conclusion of summer and/or spring sessions, provided the request for salary change form is received in the personnel office prior to September 1 and the official transcript and/or certificates are received in the personnel office by November 1.

    On February 1, after conclusion of the fall semester, provided the request for salary change form is received in the personnel office prior to February 1 and the official transcript and/or certificates are received in the personnel office by March 15.

    The above dates will apply, provided that the degree or transcripts are submitted to the personnel office, as well as the form used for applying for the advancement in salary schedule. Where change in salary is based upon completion of courses, official transcripts must be sent directly to the personnel office by the college or university, at the request of the student.

    The breakdown from MA to MA+60 is 30 graduate/30 in-service credits applied in any fashion. From MA+60 to MA+75 the breakdown is 9 in-service/6 graduate credits.

    For teachers applying for an increment increase, please fill out the below form and send to the personnel office at: mpalazzola@syossetschools.org  

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