• S.C.O.P.E. Childcare Program

    SCOPE provides a school-age child care program for children of parents residing in the District, kindergarten through fifth grade. The program operates before and after school in all seven elementary schools. Parents pay tuition which covers the cost of operating the program.

    Program Offerings:

    • Safe, fun, caring, familiar environment
    • Age appropriate recreational and educational activities
    • Arts & Crafts, Organized Active Play, Club Days, Enrichment Opportunities
    • USDA Approved snacks served in both AM and PM programs
    • Homework, study, and reading for 40 minutes in the PM program
    • 1:10 staff to student ratio (meeting and/or exceeding NYS OCFS staff requirements)


    Registration is online only through the SCOPE website: www.scopeonline.us  

  • Program Hours:

    Before School: 7:00 AM until the start of the school day.

    After School: From School Dismissal until 6:30 PM.


    Parents are responsible to transport students to the program location in the AM and pick up students from the program location in the PM.

    Online Registration: scopeonline.ce.eleyo.com

    For further information, call Angela at aburzotta@scopeonline.us or (631) 360-0800 x 123


    SCOPE is a private, not-for-profit 501 (c) (3) organization, permanently chartered by the New York State Board of Regents to provide services to school districts in New York State. SCOPE is licensed by the NYS Office of Children & Family Services.